As part of the "Give the Hero Back His Name" campaign, the guys cleared the snow near the monument and the paths on the territory.
Photo: VK Yunarmiya Republic of Mordovia
The main goal of this All–Russian military action is to preserve historical memory and foster respect among the younger generation for the heroes who fell in the battles for their Homeland. The guys take care of military graves and monuments, which allows them not only to honor soldiers, but also helps strengthen spiritual and patriotic values.
Photo: VK Yunarmiya Republic of Mordovia
Recall that the Head of Mordovia, Artyom Zdunov, declared 2025 the Year of Historical Memory, noting that it is necessary to focus on the patriotic education of young people so that young people would like to study the history of their native country and carefully preserve it for future generations.
Photo: VK Yunarmiya Republic of Mordovia
Earlier, we told you that in Saransk, students of Gymnasium No. 12 received cadet certificates.