Analysis of revenue receipts from the budget of the Pushkinsky Urban District of the Moscow region as of 09/01/2024 in comparison with the same period in 2023

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September 24th. /MEDIA TALK/. The volume of budget revenues of the Pushkinsky Urban District, taking into account inter-budgetary transfers for 8 months of 2024, amounted to 11,928.3 million rubles, or 58% of the total approved volume. Compared to the corresponding period last year, revenues increased by 28.4% or by 2,637.4 million rubles

. The volume of tax and non-tax revenues of the budget of the Pushkinsky Urban District of the Moscow Region for 8 months of 2024 was fulfilled by 62.3% of the approved annual plan and amounted to 5,560.9 million rubles, with an increase of 24% compared to the same period last year or 1,078. 1 million rubles.

Tax revenues for the 8 months of 2024 amounted to 4,977.3 million rubles, which is 26.9% higher than the volume of revenues for the 8 months of last year and increased by 1,054.6 million rubles

. Personal income tax showed a growth rate of 124.6% compared to last year and amounted to 2,771.7 million rubles. Personal income tax was performed by 63.9% of the approved plan of the year.

The reason for the increase in tax revenue is the increase in wages in organizations and enterprises, the increase in tax payments on income from dividends based on the results of work for 2023.

Taxes on total income received 1,540.4 million rubles, the growth rate compared to last year was 50.5% or 516.7 million rubles

. The reason for the increase in taxes on total income by 50.5% compared to last year is an increase in budget revenues of tax levied in connection with the application of the simplified taxation system by 439 million rubles. or by 46%, as well as an increase in tax revenues levied in connection with the application of the patent taxation system by 70.9 million rubles or 97%.

The growth of tax revenues on total income is significantly influenced by rising consumer prices, construction of buildings, investments in retail facilities, and support for small and medium-sized businesses at the state level. Also, the increase in tax revenues on total income was significantly influenced by the postponement of the deadline for payment of taxes levied in connection with the application of the patent taxation system from December 31, 2023 to the first business day of 2024. In accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 6.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in cases where the last day of the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the working day following it is considered to be the deadline day. This tax measure also made it possible to increase the filling of the budget for taxes on total income for 8 months of 2024.

Property taxes received 552.7 million rubles, which is 34.7 million rubles less than last year's level. The decrease in the rate of income in 2024 by 5.9% is due to the return of overpayment of previous years for the land tax of organizations.

For 8 months of 2024, non-tax revenues came in the amount of 583.6 million rubles, which is 23.5 million rubles higher than the same period last year.

Non-tax revenues of the budget were fulfilled by 61.7% of the annual plan. The main reason for the increase in non-tax income is an increase in income from the use of property by 11.9% or 29.7 million rubles, an increase in income from the provision of paid services and compensation for government costs by 31.5% or 14.7 million rubles, as well as an increase in income from the sale of tangible and intangible assets by 12.5% or 21.2 million rubles.

The reason for the increase in income from the use of property is the increase in rental income for land and property by 13% or by 24.9 million rubles, due to the improvement in the quality of income administration and repayment of debts of previous years.

The reason for the increase in revenues from the provision of paid services and compensation of state costs compared to last year by 14.7 million rubles or 31.5% is an increase in the payment of funds from compensation of state costs by 14.1 million rubles or 2 times due to the return to the budget by municipal budgetary institutions of unused funds of subsidies and subventions of previous years.

The reason for the increase in income from the sale of tangible and intangible income to the budget of the Pushkinsky Urban District by 12.5% or by 21.2 million rubles is an increase in income from payments for an increase in the area of land plots by 59.3% or by 40.2 million rubles due to an increase in the number of appeals from individuals due to amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation (cancellation restrictions on the privatization of land plots located in the second zone of sanitary protection zones for drinking and household water supply sources).

As of 09/01/2024, there is a positive trend in revenue receipts to the budget of the Pushkinsky Urban District of the Moscow Region, which generally corresponds to the parameters of the approved budget.

The volume of budget expenditures of the Pushkinsky City District of the Moscow Region for 8 months of 2024 amounted to 11,907.0 million rubles, exceeding the figures for the same period last year by 20%. The planned social obligations have been preserved and are being fulfilled in full.
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