Photo: the press service of the Administration of the city of Pushkin
In Pushkino, near Moscow, on Rozanov Passage, the construction of a children's polyclinic for 400 visits per shift continues. Now workers are strengthening the walls of the pit and pouring plates of the zero cycle. The work should be completed by the end of 2025.
Photo: the press service of the Administration of the city of Pushkin
According to the project, the new polyclinic is a four–storey building with a total area of 5,000 square meters. It is planned that there will be a clinical laboratory, surgical and dental departments, a gym, a day hospital and physiotherapy rooms. The polyclinic will be equipped with modern medical equipment. And the building itself will be accessible to children with disabilities, elevators, ramps and tactile signs will be installed in it.
Photo: the press service of the Administration of the city of Pushkin
Photo: the press service of the Administration of the city of Pushkin
Earlier, we told you that the charity event "Get the child to school" continues in the Pushkinsky City District.