The republican stage of the Mini-Football to School tournament was held in Mordovia

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The republican stage of the Mini-Football to School tournament was held in Mordovia
The 25th of January. /MEDIA TALK/. The students of Lyceum No. 4 of Ruzaevka successfully performed at the regional stage of the all-Russian project "Mini-football to school" among girls born in 2013-2014. And in the youth category of 2009-2010, the first place was taken by the Kadoshkin school team.

Photo: Telegram channel Ruzaevsky district

During the month, the young athletes demonstrated their skills, striving for the title of the best football team in the region. In the preliminary matches, the Ruzaev athletes did not suffer a single defeat. Close—knit teamwork and wise advice from the coach - all this helped the young football players achieve their goals. In the final matches, the girls won landslide victories, leaving their rivals no chance of success. Now the Mordovian football teams will go to represent the region at the All-Russian stage in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Photo: Telegram channel Ruzaevsky district

It should be noted that the project "Mini-football — to school" has undergone changes this season and has become part of the large—scale competitions "Leather Ball - School Football League" at the All-Russian level. It has been implemented in Russia since 2005 with the support of the Ministry of Sports. This year, more than 32,000 people from 4,000 schools across the country are taking part in the competition. Regional and inter-regional competitions are held during this period. At the end of March, the best school football teams will meet in the Nizhny Novgorod region at the matches of the All-Russian stage.

Photo: Telegram channel Ruzaevsky district

Earlier, we talked about the Metroshka – 2024 yard football festival, which was held in the Mordovian city of Ruzaevka.
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