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Российские гостиницы нарастили обороты
По предварительным данным Росстата, в 2024 года доходы коллективных средств размещения в России составили примерно 1,04 трлн рублей. 11 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/. По предварительным данным ...
Изменен: 11.02.2025
Объём инвестиций в коммерческую недвижимость в России может сократиться на треть к концу 2025 года
По оценкам консалтинговой компании Nikoliers, инвестиции в этот сегмент составят 550-600 млрд рублей, что на 34-46% ниже уровня 2024 года. Аналитики NF Group прогнозируют ещё более серьёзное падение - на 40-60%, до 500-700 млрд рублей. 11 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/. По оценкам консалтинговой ...
Изменен: 11.02.2025
Илон Маск теряет капитал: впервые в 2025 году он составляет меньшее $400 млрд
... последние годы опустилось ниже отметки в 400 миллиардов долларов. Причина - масштабное падение акций Tesla, которое продолжается с декабря 2024 года. За это время стоимость ценных бумаг компании снизилась на 27%, а на прошлой неделе акции потеряли ещё 11%. Основной удар пришёлся на ...
Изменен: 11.02.2025
Минфин сделает программу долгосрочных сбережений удобнее для россиян
... неквалифицированную электронную подпись (например, через приложение «Госключ»). Программа долгосрочных сбережений, стартовавшая в начале 2024 года, за год привлекла 216 млрд рублей, что на 34 млрд рублей меньше запланированного показателя в 250 млрд рублей. За это время было заключено ...
Изменен: 11.02.2025
Розничные магазины пожаловались в ФАС на маркетплейсы
... вмешательством в ценовую политику продавцов торговых платформ. В результате, продажи бытовой техники в розничных магазинах упали на 16% в 2024 году. Фото: ru.freepik.com Представители РАТЭК также отмечают, что ценовая разница между онлайн-площадками и реальной розницей достигает 20–70%....
Изменен: 11.02.2025
Продажи персональных компьютеров в России по итогам 2024 показали уверенный рост
... роста сохранится в ближайшие годы. Ранее мы писали о том, что ноутбуки российского производства вышли в лидеры продаж по итогам 10 месяцев 2024 года.
Изменен: 10.02.2025
Продажи китайских грузовиков Shacman приостановлены в России
... санкций и ограничений. Shacman, по данным аналитиков «Автостат», входит в топ-3 самых популярных марок тяжелых грузовиков в России по итогам 2024 года с долей рынка около 15%. Ранее мы сообщали о том, что «КАМАЗ» нарастил производство коммерческой техники в 2024 году.
Изменен: 10.02.2025
Western Union приостановила отправку денежных переводов из США на Кубу
... обеспокоенность среди кубинской диаспоры, которая теперь ищет альтернативные способы поддержки своих семей на острове. Недавно мы писали о том, что в 2024 году СБП обеспечила рекордное количество платежей и переводов в России.
Изменен: 10.02.2025
В Казани студенты колледжей и вузов смогут пройти стажировку в мэрии города
... рассказали в пресс-службе мэрии Казани. Ранее мы писали , что казанская лаборатория забраковала полмиллиона килограммов сырья и продовольствия в 2024 году.
Изменен: 10.02.2025
BYD выводит стратегию низких цен на глобальный уровень
... сложным после введения 17% пошлин, и несмотря на это, по данным издания, BYD стал самым продаваемым китайским автопроизводителем в регионе в 2024 году, обогнав Tesla в Великобритании, Испании, Ирландии и Португалии. В начале 2025 года компания стремится удвоить зарубежные продажи, которые ...
Изменен: 10.02.2025
Сумма кэшбэка, выплаченного российскими банками, выросла на 50% за года
По данным четырех крупных банков, сумма достигла 300 млрд рублей по итогам 2024 года, что превышает показатель 2023 года на 50%. 7 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/. По данным четырех крупных банков, сумма достигла 300 млрд рублей по итогам ...
Изменен: 07.02.2025
Бумажная пресса теряет популярность
В 2024 году объём реализации газет и журналов через розничные торговые точки в России сократился на 9%, а покупки печатных СМИ по подписке - на ...
Изменен: 07.02.2025
На российском рынке возрос интерес к инвестиционным бриллиантам
В 2024 году «АЛРОСА» существенно увеличила реализацию бриллиантов инвестиционного качества относительно 2023 года. Объём продаж увеличился втрое ...
Изменен: 07.02.2025
Центробанк разъяснил причину замены монет номиналом 5 и 10 рублей на купюры
... металлических монет, заключили в регуляторе. При этом, тенденция к сокращению оборота наличных денег отмечается уже не первый год, по итогам 2024 года, их количество сократилось до 18 трлн рублей .
Изменен: 07.02.2025
«Леруа Мерлен» окончательно стала «Лемана ПРО» в Петербурге
... стратегию ведения дел, направляя особое внимание на сотрудничество с профессиональными клиентами. О ребрендинге стало известно летом 2024 года, анонсировалось его завершение в 2025 году.
Изменен: 07.02.2025
Рост спроса на российские горнолыжные курорты замедлился
..., тогда как другие полностью отказались от путешествий. Тем не менее количество турпоездок на российские горнолыжные курорты с декабря 2024 по февраль 2025 года увеличилось примерно на 10% по сравнению с прошлым годом. Основная часть отдыхающих выбрала горнолыжную инфраструктуру ...
Изменен: 07.02.2025
Bloomberg: новый iPhone SE выйдет на неделе с 10 февраля
... следующей неделе будет анонсирована новинка - наушники PowerBeats Pro 2, характерной чертой которых станет интегрированный датчик пульса. С 28 декабря 2024 года все производители смартфонов и прочих мобильных гаджетов, которые представлены на рынке Европы, обязаны оснащать свои продукты стандартным ...
Изменен: 07.02.2025
«Аэрофлот» открывает прямое авиасообщение с вьетнамским Нячангом
... рублей. Ранее компания осуществляла сообщение с единственным городом во Вьетнаме - столицей Хошимином, маршрут туда был возобновлён 31 января 2024 года, после перерыва, спровоцированного ковидными ограничениями. За последние двенадцать месяцев по этому направлению «Аэрофлотом» было ...
Изменен: 07.02.2025


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Pskov farmers have increased the supply of livestock products to other countries several times
....freepik.com In addition, 8 cargoes of fish and fish products were exported to Estonia, and 2 shipments of canned fish were sent to Georgia and Azerbaijan. In total, 3 times more livestock products were shipped in January compared to January 2024. The products fully complied with the veterinary and sanitary requirements of the recipient countries, the North-Western Administration of the Rosselkhoznadzor said. Earlier we wrote that the Pskov region has increased the production of rainbow ...
Изменен: 11.02.2025
There are plans to build a nut processing plant in Ingushetia for 200 million rubles.
... the launch of the project will cost 180-200 million rubles. The company will consist of lines for chopping, drying and caramelizing the nut kernel, grinding the shell and producing cold-pressed nut butter, RBC Kavkaz reports. Recall that in 2024, Stavropol was visited by more than 315,000 people as part of agricultural tours.
Изменен: 11.02.2025
Russian hotels have increased their sales
According to preliminary data from Rosstat, in 2024, the income of collective accommodation facilities in Russia amounted to approximately 1.04 trillion rubles. February 11th. /MEDIA TALK/. According to preliminary data from Rosstat, in 2024, the income of collective accommodation facilities in Russia ...
Изменен: 11.02.2025
Krasnodar Cork Plant will increase production by 100% this year.
... Krasnodar-based T-Cork company, which produces wine corks, intends to increase production by 100% this year. By the end of 2025, 12 million corks will be manufactured. According to Alexey Semenov, the company's CEO, 6 million units were produced in 2024. The company has production facilities to increase production. As demand increases, lines will be added. Photo: ru.freepik.com Today, a wine stopper costs an average of 12 rubles. The company has no plans to raise prices for its products....
Изменен: 11.02.2025
Retail stores have complained to the Federal Antimonopoly Service about marketplaces
... level, including at their own expense. The association believes that such actions are illegal and constitute interference in the pricing policy of sellers of trading platforms. As a result, sales of household appliances in retail stores fell by 16% in 2024. Photo: ru.freepik.com RATEK representatives also note that the price difference between online platforms and real retail reaches 20-70%. This forces retail chains to think about optimization and save money, which, accordingly, leads ...
Изменен: 11.02.2025
The Ministry of Finance will make the long-term savings program more convenient for Russians
... amendments are approved, Russians will be able to make such transfers online through Gosuslugi, using an enhanced, unqualified electronic signature (for example, through the Goscluch application). The long-term savings program, launched in early 2024, attracted 216 billion rubles over the year, which is 34 billion rubles less than the planned figure of 250 billion rubles.. During this time, 2.9 million contracts were concluded. The final decision on the amendments will be made after discussion ...
Изменен: 11.02.2025
The volume of investments in commercial real estate in Russia may decrease by a third by the end of 2025
According to estimates by the consulting company Nikoliers, investments in this segment will amount to 550-600 billion rubles, which is 34-46% lower than in 2024. NF Group analysts predict an even more serious drop - by 40-60%, to 500-700 billion rubles. February 11th. /MEDIA TALK/. According to estimates by the consulting company Nikoliers, investments in this segment will amount to 550-600 billion rubles,...
Изменен: 11.02.2025
Elon Musk is losing capital: for the first time in 2025, it is less than $400 billion.
... the first time in recent years. February 11th. /MEDIA TALK/. Elon Musk's fortune has dropped below the $400 billion mark for the first time in recent years. The reason is the massive drop in Tesla shares, which has been going on since December 2024. During this time, the value of the company's securities decreased by 27%, and last week the shares lost another 11%. The main impact fell on key markets: shipments to Germany collapsed by 59%, and in China decreased by 11.5%. Photo: ru.freepik....
Изменен: 11.02.2025
In Kazan, college and university students will be able to complete an internship at the City Hall
... establishing contact with young people. They should represent how and how the megalopolis administration, the executive committee, district organizations and executive committee units live. At the moment, internships have become a part of HR recruiting. In 2024, 27 people got jobs in city structures. Photo: ru.freepik.com The mayor also noted that many students stay in city structures for a long time and build a career in 7-10 years, receive positions of heads of committees. Representatives ...
Изменен: 10.02.2025
This year, 5 cases of illegal logging have been identified in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
... down in the Varnavinsky forestry, 11.31 cubic meters of wood. In second place is the cutting of 3.75 cubic meters in the Arzamas forestry. 2,19 cubic meters of plantings were illegally harvested on the territory of the Buturlinsky forestry. In 2024, 83 cases of illegal logging were identified. In total, 815 cubic meters of wood were harvested in this way, the press service of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region reported. Earlier, we wrote that the Deputy governor of the Nizhny ...
Изменен: 10.02.2025
BYD brings low price strategy to global level
... cars and commercial vehicles than Ford. The European market turned out to be difficult for Breda after the introduction of 17% duties, and despite this, according to the publication, BYD became the best-selling Chinese automaker in the region in 2024, overtaking Tesla in the UK, Spain, Ireland and Portugal. At the beginning of 2025, the company aims to double its overseas sales, which increased by 83% in January. BYD expects to sell between 5 and 6 million vehicles in 2025, which could make ...
Изменен: 10.02.2025
The head of the regional Ministry of Construction was approved in the Angara region
... construction of social facilities in the regional Ministry of Construction. In 2022, Alexey Yemelyukov was appointed deputy head of the Ministry of Construction of the Angara Region. In 2023, he assumed the position of First Deputy Minister. In October 2024, he was appointed acting Minister of Construction, the Irkutsk regional government reported. Recall that two residents of the Angara region will go on trial for especially large-scale fraud in setting tariffs.
Изменен: 10.02.2025
Sales of Chinese Shacman trucks suspended in Russia
... of the enhanced control over the quality and safety of imported machinery, especially in the face of sanctions and restrictions. According to Autostat analysts, Shacman is among the top 3 most popular heavy truck brands in Russia by the end of 2024 with a market share of about 15%. Earlier, we reported that KAMAZ has increased production of commercial vehicles in 2024.
Изменен: 10.02.2025
Western Union has suspended sending money transfers from the United States to Cuba
... suspended services in Cuba in 2020 due to sanctions, but resumed them in 2023. This measure is causing concern among the Cuban diaspora, who are now looking for alternative ways to support their families on the island. We recently wrote that in 2024, the SBP provided a record number of payments and transfers in Russia.
Изменен: 10.02.2025
Sales of personal computers in Russia by the end of 2024 showed steady growth
... sanctions policy also affected the market, stimulating local production and sales. Experts predict that the growth trend will continue in the coming years. Earlier, we wrote that Russian-made laptops became the sales leaders in the first 10 months of 2024.
Изменен: 10.02.2025
"Leroy Merlin" finally became "Leman PRO" in St. Petersburg
... to the company, the rebranding is not limited only to modernizing the appearance of stores, the chain is radically changing its business strategy, focusing on cooperation with professional customers. The rebranding became known in the summer of 2024, and its completion was announced in 2025.
Изменен: 07.02.2025
Bloomberg: The new iPhone SE will be released the week of February 10th
... more affordable than the current flagship models of the brand. It is also expected that a new product will be announced next week - PowerBeats Pro 2 headphones, which will feature an integrated heart rate sensor. Starting from December 28, 2024, all manufacturers of smartphones and other mobile gadgets that are represented on the European market are required to equip their products with a standard USB-C charging port, we wrote about this in more detail.
Изменен: 07.02.2025
The paper press is losing popularity
In 2024, the volume of sales of newspapers and magazines through retail outlets in Russia decreased by 9%, and purchases of print media by subscription - by 12%. February 7. /MEDIA TALK/. In 2024, the volume of sales of newspapers and magazines through ...
Изменен: 07.02.2025
Interest in investment diamonds has increased in the Russian market
In 2024, ALROSA significantly increased sales of investment-grade diamonds relative to 2023. The sales volume tripled and exceeded one thousand copies. February 7. /MEDIA TALK/. In 2024, ALROSA significantly increased sales of investment-grade diamonds ...
Изменен: 07.02.2025
The Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region spoke about the possibilities of creating a multimodal port on Bor
... multimodal port in Bor. According to the official, last year the region took the second place in the country in the national investment climate rating compiled by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. Five years ago, the region was ranked 70th. In 2024, work began on the creation of the engineering infrastructure of the Kulibin special economic zone. The process is planned to be completed this year. Roads, power supply networks are being built here, gas and water are being carried to the boundaries ...
Изменен: 07.02.2025
The amount of cashback paid by Russian banks has increased by 50% in a year
According to four major banks, the amount reached 300 billion rubles by the end of 2024, which is 50% higher than in 2023. February 7. /MEDIA TALK/. According to four major banks, the amount reached 300 billion rubles by the end of 2024, which is 50% higher than in 2023. This is reported by Vedomosti with reference to data from ...
Изменен: 07.02.2025
The growth in demand for Russian ski resorts has slowed down
... notes, citing data from tour operators. Photo: ru.freepik.com As a result, some tourists switched to holidays in Europe, while others completely abandoned travel. Nevertheless, the number of trips to Russian ski resorts from December 2024 to February 2025 increased by about 10% compared to last year. Most of the tourists chose Sochi's ski infrastructure. Its contribution to total demand increased by 12% over the year, reaching 79%. Earlier we reported that the first sanatorium ...
Изменен: 07.02.2025
The central Bank explained the reason for replacing coins in denominations of 5 and 10 rubles with banknotes.
... the production of paper banknotes has become more cost-effective compared to the production of metal coins, the regulator concluded. At the same time, the tendency to reduce the turnover of cash has been noted for several years, by the end of 2024, their number has decreased to 18 trillion rubles.
Изменен: 07.02.2025
Aeroflot opens direct flights to Nha Trang, Vietnam
... cost of just a flight to Nha Trang on an Aeroflot flight will cost at least 90 thousand rubles. Previously, the company operated a connection to the only city in Vietnam, the capital Ho Chi Minh City, and the route there was resumed on January 31, 2024, after a break caused by covid restrictions. Over the past twelve months, Aeroflot has transported over 73,000 people in this direction. We talked about cooperation between Russia and Vietnam in the oil and gas sector here.
Изменен: 07.02.2025
The head of the Investigative Committee took personal control of the situation with waste runoff in the forest in Kazan
... report on the preliminary and final results of the inspection, the Information Center of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation said. Recall that the Kazan laboratory rejected half a million kilograms of raw materials and food in 2024.
Изменен: 06.02.2025
The Russian Finance Ministry has agreed on financial assistance to Abkhazia
... expressed gratitude to the Russian side for the assistance provided. In his address to the residents, he said that the support provided by Russia is determined by the agreements concluded between the heads of state in previous years. In the fall of 2024, Russia stopped financing the salaries of employees of budgetary institutions in Abkhazia. The disagreement arose due to Russia's demands regarding the participation of Russian legal entities in investment projects in the republic. Abkhazia did not ...
Изменен: 06.02.2025
Entrepreneurs in Russia have become more likely to choose franchises as a business model.
... to an increase in the cost of loans, according to experts interviewed by Kommersant. Photo: ru.freepik.com Among all the franchises, the highest interest was aroused by offers in the field of trade, accounting for 25% of all requests. In 2024, the number of such requests doubled compared to 2023. The catering industry was in the second position in terms of demand with a share of 15%. The manufacturing sector is in third place with 13%. The most significant increase in demand was ...
Изменен: 06.02.2025
Russian cinema has begun to pay off more often
One of the five Russian films that received state funding in 2024 was able to return costs or earn money at the box office. February 6th. /MEDIA TALK/. One of the five Russian films that received state funding in 2024 was able to return costs or earn money at the box office. If in 2022 only one out of twenty-six ...
Изменен: 06.02.2025
The shadow market of video services in Russia is gradually decreasing
In 2024, the revenues of illegal video services in Russia decreased by 4%, their volume amounted to 36.4 million dollars. February 6th. /MEDIA TALK/. In 2024, the revenues of illegal video services in Russia decreased by 4%, their volume amounted to 36....
Изменен: 06.02.2025
Last year, Stavropol was visited by more than 315 thousand people as part of agricultural tours.
Agrotourism in Stavropol is becoming very popular. February 6th. /MEDIA TALK/. Agrotourism in Stavropol is becoming very popular. In 2024, the number of guests of the region traveling in this format exceeded 315,000 people. The development of rural tourism in the Stavropol Territory is facilitated by the opening of new facilities, such as interesting ethnic locations and eco-farms....
Изменен: 06.02.2025
The competition for the development of the tourist infrastructure of Mordovia will be held on four points
... ethnocenter. The third area will be related to the provision of grants for the purchase of tourist equipment. Within the framework of the fourth direction, the most promising projects for the construction of camping facilities will be identified. In 2024, new houses were built in the Sarin and Prostory campgrounds in the Kochkurovsky district. There are also camping sites in Temnikovsky, Ruzaevsky and Lyambirsky districts. It should be noted that since 2025, the national project "Tourism ...
Изменен: 06.02.2025
The tourist flow from Russia abroad in 2024 increased by 15%
The number of trips of Russian citizens abroad for tourist purposes in 2024 increased by 15.4% compared to 2023 and reached the level of 17.4 million. February 6th. /MEDIA TALK/. The number of trips of Russian citizens abroad for tourist purposes in 2024 increased by 15.4% compared to 2023 and reached the level of 17.4 ...
Изменен: 06.02.2025