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В Мордовии в 2024 году открыли четыре виртуальных концертных зала
Благодаря реализации нацпроекта «Культура» в 2024 году в РМ заработали четыре новые современные концертные площадки. 3 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/. Благодаря реализации нацпроекта «Культура» в 2024 ...
Изменен: 03.02.2025
Казанская лаборатория забраковала полмиллиона килограммов сырья и продовольствия в 2024 году
В прошлом году лаборатория Департамента продовольствия Казани провела более 221 000 анализов, по результатам которых забраковала 516 тонн сырья и продовольствия. 3 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/. В прошлом году лаборатория Департамента продовольствия Казани провела более 221 000 анализов, по результатам которых забраковала 516 тонн сырья и продовольствия. Также сотрудники службы провели 1700 проверок в департаменте, школах и детсадах. Ведомство занимается проверкой санитарных норм и соответствия стандартам...
Изменен: 03.02.2025
Россияне стали чаще жаловаться на условия банковских депозитов
В 2024 году Центральный банк РФ зафиксировал свыше двух тысяч обращений населения по поводу проблем с депозитами в банках. 3 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/....
Изменен: 03.02.2025
Ипотечный рынок продолжил снижение в январе
Количество ипотечных займов, выданных за 3 недели января 2025 года уменьшилось на 71% относительно соответствующего интервала 2024 года. 3 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/. Количество ипотечных займов, выданных за 3 недели января 2025 года уменьшилось на 71% относительно соответствующего ...
Изменен: 03.02.2025
Средства на электронных кошельках хотят включить в систему страхования вкладов
... удостоверяющего документа, тогда как полная проверка проходит в офисе для верификации личных данных. Инициатива была впервые озвучена в феврале 2024 года после отзыва лицензии у Киви-банка, специализирующегося на транзакциях через подобные кошельки.
Изменен: 03.02.2025
В Мордовии перед судом предстанет экс-руководитель почтового отделения, которую обвиняют в хищениях с использованием служебного положения
... экс-руководительница почты прикарманивала деньги и различные товары в связи с возникшими у нее финансовыми трудностями. С ноября 2023-го по март 2024 года она взяла из кассы отделения более 38 тысяч рублей. Помимо этого, она регулярно забирала домой с работы продукты, бытовые товары и даже ...
Изменен: 03.02.2025
Индекс PMI в обработке показал рост в январе
... активности, тогда как значения ниже данной отметки говорят об её снижении. Январский показатель роста в данной сфере стал самым высоким с июля 2024 года. Также специалисты указывают, что приток сотрудников в обрабатывающих отраслях было максимальным за последние полгода, причем его ...
Изменен: 03.02.2025
СБП обеспечила рекордное количество платежей и переводов
В 2024 году с помощью Системы быстрых платежей было обработано свыше 13,4 млрд операций на общую сумму 69,5 трлн рублей. 1 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/.В 2024 году ...
Изменен: 01.02.2025
Россиянам стали чаще одобрять кредиты на автомобили
В декабре 2024 года значительно увеличилось число предоставленных автокредитов. 1 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/. В декабре 2024 года значительно увеличилось число предоставленных ...
Изменен: 01.02.2025
KIA отзывает почти 30 тысяч кроссоверов в России
... списком. Ранее китайский холдинг Great Wall Motor объявил об отзыву 364 внедорожников Tank 500 Blacktrail, изготовленных в период с декабря 2023 года по ноябрь 2024 года.
Изменен: 01.02.2025
Песков ответил на заявление Трампа, касающееся единой валюты стран БРИКС
... стран БРИКС, способствующей совместной реализации проектов в других странах и росту взаимных капиталовложений. На октябрьском форуме БРИКС 2024 года в Казани, была представлена символическая, неофициальная купюра стран альянса.
Изменен: 01.02.2025
Детали для иномарок выросли в цене на 20-50%
В 2024 году стоимость запчастей для автомобилей импортного производства в России увеличилась примерно на 20-50%. Об этом пишут «Известия» со ссылкой ...
Изменен: 31.01.2025
В Мордовии активно развиваются международные экономические отношения в различных сферах
... учебными заведениями республики активно работает над формированием системы подготовки кадров для внешнеэкономической деятельности. В 2024 году Мордовский государственный университет имени Н. П. Огарёва выпустил 87 студентов, которые успешно завершили обучение по специализированным ...
Изменен: 31.01.2025
Египет восстанавливает турпоток из России
... поездки в апреле (67%), ещё треть бронирований приходится на май-июнь. Ранее мы рассказывали, что, по данным Минэкономразвития, с января по ноябрь 2024 года в России совершено почти 80 млн туристических поездок.
Изменен: 31.01.2025
В Санкт-Петербурге ускорится строительство новых станций метро
... "Каретная", передаёт пресс-служба Администрации Санкт-Петербурга. Напомним , что комитет по строительству Петербурга почти на 99% исполнил бюджет 2024 года.
Изменен: 31.01.2025
Участники рынка отметили рост количества автомобилей на складах российских дилеров
... продаж со стороны автопроизводителей. Согласно данным источника РБК, сейчас запас автомобилей на складах почти вдвое больше, чем в начале 2024 года, когда на хранении было примерно 400 тысяч машин. Приблизительно 52% автомобилей, находящихся на складах, были изготовлены в России, ...
Изменен: 31.01.2025
Большинство российских регионов ограничили продажу алкоголя
... Думе. Закон, наделяющий регионы полномочиями самостоятельно устанавливать ограничения на реализацию алкоголя, вступил в силу в апреле 2024 года. Речь идёт о регламентации времени для продажи алкогольных напитков в заведениях общественного питания в жилых домах или рядом с ...
Изменен: 31.01.2025
ЦБ опроверг информацию о накоплении на своих счетах средств, вместо кредитования экономики
... Правительства и в результате ужесточения денежно-кредитных мер. Накануне был опубликован материал о результатах деятельности банковского сектора в 2024 году. Согласно приведённым данным, за прошлый год российские банки заработали 3,8 трлн рублей чистой прибыли.
Изменен: 31.01.2025


Сортировать по релевантности | Отсортировано по дате
Ivanovo farmers harvested more than 90 tons of berries last year
The government of the Ivanovo region summed up the results of berry harvesting in 2024. February 3rd. /MEDIA TALK/. The government of the Ivanovo region summed up the results of berry harvesting in 2024. A total of 92.6 tons of berries were obtained. This is 6.2% higher than in 2023. Shuisky farms harvested 44.9 tons of berries,...
Изменен: 03.02.2025
They want to include funds in electronic wallets in the deposit insurance system
... procedure. In the case of an abbreviated check, the first name, last name and number of the identification document are indicated, while the full check takes place at the office to verify personal data. The initiative was first announced in February 2024 after the revocation of a license from a Qiwi bank specializing in transactions through such wallets.
Изменен: 03.02.2025
In Mordovia, the ex-head of the post office, who is accused of embezzlement using her official position, will appear in court.
... website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation As investigators have established, the former head of the post office pocketed money and various goods in connection with her financial difficulties. From November 2023 to March 2024, she took more than 38 thousand rubles from the cash register of the branch. In addition, she regularly took groceries, household goods, and even envelopes, key rings, and light bulbs home from work. The damage amounted to 130 thousand rubles. ...
Изменен: 03.02.2025
Four virtual concert halls were opened in Mordovia in 2024
Thanks to the implementation of the national project "Culture", four new modern concert venues were launched in the Republic of Moldova in 2024. February 3rd. /MEDIA TALK/. Thanks to the implementation of the national project "Culture", four new modern concert venues were launched in the Republic of Moldova in 2024. They appeared in Saransk at the Children's Music School ...
Изменен: 03.02.2025
Russians have become more likely to complain about the conditions of bank deposits
In 2024, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation recorded over two thousand complaints from the public about problems with deposits in banks. February 3rd. /MEDIA TALK/. In 2024, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation recorded over two thousand complaints ...
Изменен: 03.02.2025
Last year, the most difficult thing was to enroll in the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
The Higher School of Economics, with the support of the Ministry of Education, conducted a study that showed that in 2024, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology became the most difficult university in the country to enroll in. February 2. /MEDIA TALK/. The Higher School of Economics, with the support of the Ministry of Education, conducted a study that showed ...
Изменен: 02.02.2025
The supply of Korean noodles to Russia has doubled
... of noodles and dumplings from South Korea in the last 20 years. 1st of February. /MEDIA TALK/. Russia has bought the maximum amount of noodles and dumplings from South Korea in the last 20 years. Over the year, shipments have almost doubled. In 2024, the volume of noodles and dumplings supplied by Seoul to Moscow amounted to $ 30.1 million. This is 1.8 times higher than in 2023. The previous record for purchases was set in 2024, when imports of these goods reached 46.3 million dollars. ...
Изменен: 01.02.2025
Peskov responded to Trump's statement regarding the single currency of the BRICS countries
... Putin is more important for Russia, who proposed the development of a single investment platform for the BRICS countries, facilitating the joint implementation of projects in other countries and the growth of mutual investments. At the October 2024 BRICS Forum in Kazan, a symbolic, unofficial banknote of the alliance countries was presented.
Изменен: 01.02.2025
SBP has provided a record number of payments and transfers
In 2024, over 13.4 billion transactions totaling 69.5 trillion rubles were processed using the Fast Payment System. 1st of February. /MEDIA TALK/.In 2024, over 13.4 billion transactions totaling 69.5 trillion rubles were processed using the Fast Payment ...
Изменен: 01.02.2025
KIA recalls almost 30 thousand crossovers in Russia
... affects their car by comparing the identification number of their car with the specified list. Earlier, the Chinese holding company Great Wall Motor announced the recall of 364 Tank 500 Blacktrail SUVs manufactured between December 2023 and November 2024.
Изменен: 01.02.2025
Russians have become more likely to approve loans for cars
In December 2024, the number of car loans provided increased significantly. 1st of February. /MEDIA TALK/.In December 2024, the number of car loans provided increased significantly. The amount of loans approved exceeded the total amount of funds requested ...
Изменен: 01.02.2025
Construction of new metro stations to accelerate in St. Petersburg
... it employs more than 5,000 employees. Photo: ru.freepik.com One of the most important elements is the Nadezhda double-track shield, which operates on the Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya line. In 2023, the device laid 50 concrete rings, and in 2024, it was possible to achieve a result of 900 rings. Also, one of the two 5.6-meter diameter tunneling boards was assembled at the Obukhov Plant. The new device will be disassembled and prepared for loading. It will be assembled at the launch ...
Изменен: 31.01.2025
Samara police officers revealed more than 300 crimes in the field of corruption last year
A meeting was held in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Samara region, during which the results of operational and official activities for 2024 were summed up. January 31st. /MEDIA TALK/. A meeting was held in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Samara region, during which the results of operational and official activities for 2024 were summed up. According ...
Изменен: 31.01.2025
Almost 130 new cars have been purchased for Sverdlovsk hospitals
... to provide medical examinations to a larger number of local residents. This is especially true for patients with cardiovascular diseases and oncopathology. In total, 52 UAZ cars, 44 Lada Grants and 32 Lada Niva cars were purchased. From 2021 to 2024, the region purchased 610 cars for 625 million rubles, the press service of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region said. Recall that Rosprirodnadzor issued a multimillion-dollar fine to a Sverdlovsk enterprise for violations during snow removal....
Изменен: 31.01.2025
The Popular Front has begun collecting data on non-functioning medical equipment in hospitals in the Sverdlovsk region.
... regional executive committee of the Popular Front, said that President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects, ordered the Accounting Chamber to analyze how the national projects from 2019 to 2024 were implemented. The public organization was also recommended to regularly monitor and establish feedback with residents. Photo: ru.freepik.com According to the Sverdlovsk residents, the main problems they addressed to the head of state ...
Изменен: 31.01.2025
Parts for foreign cars have increased in price by 20-50%
In 2024, the cost of spare parts for imported cars in Russia increased by about 20-50%. Izvestia writes about this with reference to market analysts. January 31st. /MEDIA TALK/. In 2024, the cost of spare parts for imported cars in Russia increased by about ...
Изменен: 31.01.2025
Market participants noted an increase in the number of cars in the warehouses of Russian dealers
... time, representatives of the association indicated that an increase in inventories could affect sales strategies on the part of automakers. According to an RBC source, the stock of cars in warehouses is now almost twice as large as at the beginning of 2024, when there were about 400,000 cars in storage. Approximately 52% of the vehicles in warehouses were manufactured in Russia, and the remainder are imported vehicles. At the end of December, information appeared that Russian dealers had a stock ...
Изменен: 31.01.2025
The Central Bank denied information about the accumulation of funds in its accounts, instead of lending to the economy
... decrease in the rate of increase in demand will be achieved due to the normalization of the Government's fiscal policy and as a result of tightening monetary measures. The day before, a report was published on the results of the banking sector in 2024. According to the data provided, Russian banks earned 3.8 trillion rubles of net profit last year.
Изменен: 31.01.2025
Egypt restores tourist flow from Russia
... travelers prefer trips in April (67%), and another third of bookings are made in May-June. Earlier, we told you that, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, almost 80 million tourist trips were made in Russia from January to November 2024.
Изменен: 31.01.2025
Most Russian regions have restricted alcohol sales
... have used their powers to restrict the work of the so-called "filling stations". This was reported in the State Duma. The law authorizing the regions to independently set restrictions on the sale of alcohol entered into force in April 2024. We are talking about regulating the time for the sale of alcoholic beverages in public catering establishments in residential buildings or near them. The restrictions generally apply from 8-23 p.m. to 8-11 a.m. the next day. Local legislative ...
Изменен: 31.01.2025
International economic relations in various fields are actively developing in Mordovia
....freepik.com The Ministry of Industry, Science and New Technologies of Mordovia, together with higher educational institutions of the republic, is actively working on the formation of a personnel training system for foreign economic activity. In 2024, Ogarev Mordovian State University graduated 87 students who successfully completed their studies in specialized programs. In 2023, the best representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as large companies, were identified as ...
Изменен: 31.01.2025
During the first month of operation, the power facility supplied over 2 million kW of electricity to the grid.
... Corporation. January 30th. /MEDIA TALK/. This was reported by the press service of the RT-Invest group of companies, owned by the Rostec state Corporation. The power plant in Svistyagin, Moscow region, was built and put into operation at the end of December 2024. The plant can annually process 700,000 tons of waste that is not suitable for recycling, and supply 520 million kilowatt-hours of energy. This amount is enough to supply electricity to an area with a population of about 80,000 people. Photo: ...
Изменен: 30.01.2025
The Russian car manufacturing company Sollers has started producing two new models in Ulyanovsk.
... trucks, and the final assembly takes place on a new production line specially installed for the Sollers ST6 and ST8 models. The cars will appear in car dealerships in the first quarter of 2025. Earlier, we reported that the growth of car loans in 2024 was almost 60%.
Изменен: 30.01.2025
Rural Mortgage has reached its limits
... especially in demand against the background of high market rates last year. Photo: ru.freepik.com According to RBC, the issuance of preferential loans for the purchase of housing in rural areas has been "stalled" since September 2024. In recent months, transactions have been processed based on previously submitted applications. The Rosselkhoznadzor, which is the main financial partner of the mortgage program, confirmed the temporary suspension of applications. The renewal ...
Изменен: 30.01.2025
Bloomberg: Russia has solved the problem of yuan shortage
... US sanctions. January 30th. /MEDIA TALK/. The Russian Federation has overcome the shortage of Chinese currency in the domestic market, which arose as a result of US sanctions. The problem with yuan liquidity worsened in August and September 2024. At that moment, the interest rate on the one-day repo in RMB RUSFAR CNY, indicating the cost of attracting RMB in the interbank market, began to increase rapidly. During one September trading session, its rate on the Moscow Stock Exchange was 212% ...
Изменен: 30.01.2025
The Kazan plant produced more than 50 civilian helicopters last year.
Kazan Helicopter Plant completed the plan ahead of schedule in 2024. January 30th. /MEDIA TALK/. Kazan Helicopter Plant completed the plan ahead of schedule in 2024. At the moment, the plant is preparing the twin-engine Ansat helicopter for flight tests. Within the framework of the plant, the largest production ...
Изменен: 30.01.2025
In the Stavropol Territory, a former employee of the post office is accused of embezzling more than 700 thousand rubles.
... ex-head of the territorial post office of Stavropol is suspected of embezzlement of money. January 30th. /MEDIA TALK/. The ex-head of the territorial post office of Stavropol is suspected of embezzlement of money. It is reported that from 2023 to 2024, a postal worker embezzled more than 720,000 rubles from the cash register of the department. The woman spent this money on personal needs. Photo: ru.freepik.com The ex-employee of the Neftekamsk UFPS is charged under article 160, part ...
Изменен: 30.01.2025
Public activists suggested naming the Ivanovo airport after Marshal of Victory Alexander Vasilevsky.
... supported the idea of adding Marshal Vasilevsky to the list of "honorary citizens of the Ivanovo region," the Ivanovo regional government reported. It should be recalled that state support for the agro-industrial complex of the region in 2024 will amount to 1.6 billion rubles.
Изменен: 30.01.2025
Retailers have warned about the increase in retail prices for coffee
... of coffee – Arabica and robusta on world stock exchanges. Photo: ru.freepik.com According to one of the newspaper's sources, the increase in selling prices from March 1 will be only the first stage of the increase this year. In 2024, global prices for coffee beans increased by almost 70%. Since the beginning of the year, they have grown by another 15%. According to experts, retail prices in Russia are growing at a more moderate pace, due to a decrease in business margins.
Изменен: 30.01.2025
Hh.ru named the best employers of 2024
The largest Russian online job search and employee search platform has presented a list of the best companies for employment in Russia for 2024. January 30th. /MEDIA TALK/.The largest Russian online job search and employee search platform has presented a list of the best companies for employment in Russia for 2024. It included 1,729 enterprises from 40 different fields and 72 regions....
Изменен: 30.01.2025
The growth of car loans in 2024 was almost 60%
In 2024, Russians took out car loans worth 2.34 trillion rubles. This exceeds the figures of the previous year by 58.3%, when the amount amounted to 1.48 trillion rubles. Such data is provided by the National Bureau of Credit Histories. January 30th. /MEDIA ...
Изменен: 30.01.2025
The annual volume of betting in bookmakers for the year amounted to 1.7 trillion rubles.
The increase in the volume of the betting market in 2024 amounted to 40%, experts attribute the increase to the blocking of illegal offices and rising inflation. Kommersant writes about this today. January 30th. /MEDIA TALK/. The increase in the volume of the betting market in 2024 amounted to 40%, experts ...
Изменен: 30.01.2025