

Отсортировано по релевантности | Сортировать по дате
В Молдавии более чем вдвое подорожали электроэнергия и отопление
Решение об увеличении тарифов с 10 января 2025 года принято Национальным агентством по регулированию в энергетике на фоне энергетического кризиса в стране. 10 января. /MEDIA TALK/.С 10 января ...
Изменен: 10.01.2025
Starbucks продолжает регистрацию фирменных знаков в России
Запрос на регистрацию символики американской Starbucks Corporation поступил в мае 2024 года, регистрация датируется 12 февраля 2025 года. 4 марта. /MEDIA TALK/. Запрос на регистрацию символики американской Starbucks Corporation поступил в мае 2024 года, регистрация датируется 12 февраля ...
Изменен: 04.03.2025
Криптовалюты могут стать приоритетным направлением американской экономики
17 января 2025 года агентство Bloomberg сообщило о том, что новый глава Белого дома Дональд Трамп собирается выпустить распоряжение, определяющее развитие ...
Изменен: 17.01.2025
СПБ Биржа продлевает торговые сессии в выходные
Начиная с 22 февраля 2025 года, Санкт-Петербургская биржа увеличивает продолжительность торгов российскими ценными бумагами в субботу и воскресенье. Теперь инвесторы ...
Изменен: 21.02.2025
Продажи легковых авто показали рост в январе
В январе 2025 года в России реализовано 89 072 новых легковых автомобиля, что превышает показатель января 2024 года на 11%. 5 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/. В январе 2025 года ...
Изменен: 05.02.2025
В Мордовии в рамках нацпроекта «Семья» продолжится модернизация учреждений культуры
С 2025 года в РМ началась реализация нового национального проекта «Семья», в рамках которого продолжится обновление библиотек, кинозалов, театров,...
Изменен: 21.01.2025
Вывод поставок газа по «Силе Сибири» в КНР на полную мощность снова перенесли
... /MEDIA-TALK/.В среду, 22 ноября, стало известно, что вывод поставок газа по «Силе Сибири» в Китай на полную мощность снова перенесли, на этот раз на 2025 год. Об этом рассказал вице-премьер РФ Александр Новак, выступая в Совете Федерации, сообщил ТАСС. По словам чиновника, выход на полную ...
Изменен: 22.11.2023
В ЗАКСе Новосибирской области прошли общественные слушания по проекту бюджета на следующие три года
... соцобязательств и реализацию нацпроектов. В Заксобрании Новосибирской области состоялись общественные слушания по проекту бюджета на 2025 год и плановые 2026 и 2027 годы. Обсуждение проходило в большом зале парламента. В нём участвовали министры, депутаты, руководители муниципалитетов ...
Изменен: 08.11.2024
Граждане РФ разместили на срочных депозитах рекордную сумму
В январе 2025 года российские банки зафиксировали значительное увеличение объёма срочных депозитов физических лиц — почти на 900 млрд рублей. 3 марта....
Изменен: 03.03.2025
Маркетплейсы получили предписание ФАС по организации распродаж
... продуктов. Фото: ru.freepik.com ФАС потребовала от компаний разработать понятный порядок включения поставщиков в акции со скидками в срок до 28 февраля 2025 года. Об этом пишет ТАСС со ссылкой на пресс-службы платформ. В конце ноября продавцы онлайн-платформ через Международную ассоциацию развития ...
Изменен: 04.02.2025
Банк России возобновит покупку валюты на внутреннем рынке в рамках бюджетного правила
... рынка. Фото: ru.freepik.com Параллельно с покупками по плану Минфина, Банк России продолжит продавать юани на внутреннем рынке. В первой половине 2025 года ежедневные продажи составят 8,86 млрд рублей. Во второй половине 2024 года объём продаж был меньше и составлял 8,4 млрд рублей. Объём чистых ...
Изменен: 26.12.2024
Цена золота впервые в истории превысила $2950 за тройскую унцию
11 февраля 2025 года цена золота превысила $2950 за тройскую унцию на американской бирже Comex. 11 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/.11 февраля 2025 года цена золота превысила $2950 ...
Изменен: 11.02.2025
BYD выводит стратегию низких цен на глобальный уровень
... самым продаваемым китайским автопроизводителем в регионе в 2024 году, обогнав Tesla в Великобритании, Испании, Ирландии и Португалии. В начале 2025 года компания стремится удвоить зарубежные продажи, которые выросли на 83% в январе. BYD ожидает продать от 5 до 6 миллионов автомобилей в ...
Изменен: 10.02.2025
В Воронеже при поддержке депутата городской Думы благоустроят сквер «У озера»
В 2025 году в Железнодорожном районе Воронежа обновят территорию сквера, который местные жители называют «Лебединое озеро». 31 января. /MEDIA TALK/....
Изменен: 31.01.2025
Предприниматели Мордовии прошли мастер-класс по тайм-менеджменту
В контексте реализации национального проекта «Малое и среднее предпринимательство», который с 2025 года интегрирован в новый проект «Эффективная и конкурентоспособная экономика», для представителей малого и среднего бизнеса состоялся ...
Изменен: 24.01.2025
В Сочи начнут готовить специалистов для спортивной медицины в "Сириусе"
... Научно-технологическом университете "Сириус" можно было бы готовить таких экспертов, интегрировать спорт с достижениями в сфере науки и технологий. В 2024/2025 учебном году в Университете "Сириус" появятся программы дополнительного образования по подготовке профессионалов по обслуживанию ...
Изменен: 26.04.2024
Конкурс на развитие туристической инфраструктуры Мордовии будет проходить по четырём пунктам
... завершении работы над условиями конкурсного отбора. Весной текущего года будут определены конкретные проекты, которые получат поддержку в 2025 году. В марте министерство начнёт принимать заявки на конкурс. В рамках национального проекта «Туризм и гостеприимство» в Мордовии в ...
Изменен: 06.02.2025
Индекс доллара достиг максимума с ноября 2022 года
Курс американской валюты по отношению к корзине торговых партнёров США вырос до 110 пунктов. 13 января. /MEDIA TALK/. 13 января 2025 года стоимость доллара США достигла своего максимального значения за последние два года по отношению к ключевым мировым валютам. Индекс ...
Изменен: 13.01.2025


Отсортировано по релевантности | Сортировать по дате
"Postal" drones will continue to operate in the regions
... the Russian Federation intends to continue the experimental legal regime for Russian Post for the transportation of parcels using unmanned aerial vehicles for another three years. The existing experimental regime will be in effect until April 2025. It is assumed that the draft document, which makes it possible to continue the EPR, will be submitted to the Government by the end of February 2025. Vedomosti writes about this, citing sources in the department. Photo: MEDIA-TALK The ...
Изменен: 20.01.2025
In Transnistria, the power outage interval was increased to 3 hours
Blackouts occur throughout the republic during the daytime due to a shortage of electricity due to the cessation of Russian gas supplies. January 4th. /MEDIA TALK/. Starting from January 4, 2025, the time of electricity interruptions in Transnistria has been extended from one hour to three during the day. The republic's authorities have published information about this in their Telegram channel. Photo: ru.freepik.com The head ...
Изменен: 04.01.2025
The PMI in processing showed an increase in January
According to the results of the S&P Global survey, the business activity index (PMI) in the Russian manufacturing sector increased to 53.1 units in January 2025. February 3rd. /MEDIA TALK/. According to the results of the S&P Global survey, the business activity index (PMI) in the Russian manufacturing sector increased to 53.1 units in January 2025. Last month, this indicator was 50.8 points,...
Изменен: 03.02.2025
Russians owe banks more than 500 billion rubles on credit cards
... rubles. 5th of March. /MEDIA TALK/. The amount of payments that were not repaid in 90 days increased by 27% compared to January 2024, amounting to 510 billion rubles. According to the data of the Scoring Bureau published by Forbes, in January 2025 overdue debt on credit cards amounted to 11.5% of the total loan portfolio on cards in banks of the Russian Federation. At the beginning of 2025, the total amount of such loans increased to 4.4 trillion rubles, which is 30% more than last year. ...
Изменен: 05.03.2025
The financier advised Russians not to close loans ahead of schedule in the coming years
... to use interest on deposits to service previously issued loans. September 23rd. /MEDIA TALK/.On Monday, September 23, Andrey Ponomarev, CEO of the Webbankir online financial platform, advised Russians not to close loans ahead of schedule in 2024 and 2025. It is now more profitable for bank customers to deposit funds and use the income from the deposit to service loans, he told <url>. According to the financier, a unique situation has developed in Russia due to the high key rate. Now, citizens ...
Изменен: 23.09.2024
State support for aquaculture in Russia will be expanded
... 25% of their costs. March, 3rd. /MEDIA TALK/.Agricultural producers who build or modernize nurseries for trout and salmon farming will be able to receive compensation in the amount of 25% of their costs. 8 billion rubles have been allocated in the 2025 budget for the implementation of this program. The refund covers expenses related to the creation or renovation of premises, the purchase of equipment, as well as the construction of laboratories, pumping stations, boiler rooms, engineering ...
Изменен: 03.03.2025
"Yandex.Taxi" will take drivers' taxes on itself
Starting from February 1, 2025, Yandex.Taxi will begin automatically collecting taxes on funds received by self-employed drivers through the platform. The relevant approval has already been received from the tax service. January 31st. /MEDIA TALK/. Starting from February 1, 2025,...
Изменен: 31.01.2025
Dutch paint brand Dulux is changing its name in Russia
The new Luxium name will be used after the rebranding during the first half of 2025. December 18th. /MEDIA TALK/. The manufacturer of Dulux paints plans to rename its brand in Russia to Luxium in the first six months of 2025. This is reported by RBC with reference to the company's data. The name change was part of the brand localization ...
Изменен: 18.12.2024
The Moscow Exchange index jumped sharply by 7% in early trading
On February 13, 2025, at the opening of trading, the Moscow Exchange Index (IMOEX) showed significant growth, exceeding 7%. February 13th. /MEDIA TALK/. On February 13, 2025, at the opening of trading, the Moscow Exchange Index (IMOEX) showed significant growth, exceeding ...
Изменен: 13.02.2025
A second ice arena may be built in Cherepovets.
... According to the mayor, two ice platforms were built in Vologda at once in the absence of a great need for this. At the same time, the ice in Cherepovets is busy from 6:00 a.m. to 01:00 a.m. The rest of the time is spent preparing the space. In 2025, the city will design a second arena, and in 2026, the authorities will seek financing and plan to begin construction. Presumably, the new ice arena will house a hockey field with bleachers for 700 guests. Also, in 2025, the design of the Palace ...
Изменен: 28.12.2024
The dollar exchange rate dropped below 88 rubles for the first time in six months
On February 20, 2025, the exchange rate of the US currency on the interbank market fell below 88 rubles, this happened for the first time since September 5 last year. February 20th. /MEDIA TALK/. On February 20, 2025, the exchange rate of the US currency on the interbank ...
Изменен: 20.02.2025
Almost half a million vegetables and fruits will be imported duty-free to Russia
... potatoes, carrots and fruits (apples) into the country without paying customs duties. The relevant resolution is posted on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. According to the decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission, in 2025, transportation of 150,000 tons of potatoes, 55,000 tons of carrots and 230,000 tons of apples is allowed. The decision will be valid until July 31, 2025 inclusive. The Ministry of Agriculture will issue a document on the compliance of imported vegetables ...
Изменен: 24.01.2025
Donald Trump announced the introduction of new mutual trade duties
... India, Brazil, Vietnam, as well as countries in Southeast Asia and Africa. Trump announced his intentions regarding the introduction of new duties on imports of products to the United States through his social network Truth Social on February 13, 2025. In the message, he did not specify which states and to what extent would be affected by the new restrictive measures. Photo: ru.freepik.com Prior to that, the head of state imposed duties of 25% on imports of steel and aluminum from ...
Изменен: 13.02.2025
The FAS will check the increase in Megafon's tariffs
... appropriate measures in accordance with the antimonopoly legislation. Earlier it became known that Megafon increased the cost of a number of tariffs by 20%. Subscribers began receiving notifications about the changes in late January and early February 2025. Earlier, we told you that at the request of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, Megafon must cancel roaming in Crimea and Sevastopol no later than February 28, 2025.
Изменен: 13.02.2025
Retailers have warned about the increase in retail prices for coffee
In the spring of 2025, the cost of selling coffee prices in Russia will increase by about 20%. This is reported by Vedomosti, with reference to data from retail chains. January 30th. /MEDIA TALK/. In the spring of 2025, the cost of selling coffee prices in Russia will ...
Изменен: 30.01.2025
SMEs will be able to attract 30 billion rubles under state guarantees
In the first quarter of 2025, banks will be allocated 15 billion rubles under the umbrella guarantee program. The tool allows you to attract financing when there is a shortage of your own borrowed funds. 13th of January. /MEDIA TALK/. Small and medium-sized businesses will ...
Изменен: 13.01.2025
The Transnistrian authorities have accepted the conditions for the supply of gas through the Moldovagaz company
Vadim Krasnoselsky, the head of Pridnestrovie, announced at a meeting of the republic's operations staff on January 20, 2025, his agreement with Chisinau's initiative regarding the transportation of natural gas through Moldovagaz. January 20th. /MEDIA TALK/. Vadim Krasnoselsky, the head of Pridnestrovie, announced at a meeting of the republic's operations staff on January ...
Изменен: 20.01.2025
Rural Mortgage has reached its limits
As of the end of January 2025, banks have stopped accepting applications and providing loans under the Rural Mortgage program. January 30th. /MEDIA TALK/.As of the end of January 2025, banks have stopped accepting applications and providing loans under the Rural Mortgage program....
Изменен: 30.01.2025
Sber and NSPK have announced the release of a single biometrics payment service
Sberbank and the National Payment Card System intend to combine payment services using biometric data, and this is planned to be done in the second half of 2025. January 20th. /MEDIA TALK/. Sberbank and the National Payment Card System intend to combine payment services using biometric data, and this is planned to be done in the second half of 2025. After the start of the joint service, the user will ...
Изменен: 20.01.2025
In Russia, the cost of air tickets will be limited
By September 2025, each airline in the country will be required to prepare and provide documentation explaining the principles of its pricing strategy. january 28th. /MEDIA TALK/. By September 2025, each airline in the country will be required to prepare and provide ...
Изменен: 28.01.2025
The seventh launch of the Starship rocket ended in a crash. SpaceX will continue testing
On January 17, 2025, the seventh test of the Starship spacecraft took place. January 17th. /MEDIA TALK/. On January 17, 2025, the seventh test of the Starship spacecraft took place. The launch took place from the Boca Chica cosmodrome, located in Texas in the USA. ...
Изменен: 17.01.2025
FT: LNG tankers are reorienting to Europe due to a decrease in gas reserves
In January 2025, ships transporting liquefied natural gas to Asian destinations will adjust their route and proceed towards European commercial ports. January 23. /MEDIA TALK/. In January 2025, ships transporting liquefied natural gas to Asian destinations will ...
Изменен: 23.01.2025
SBP has provided a record number of payments and transfers
... fourth SBP transaction is related to the payment of goods or services. Photo: ru.freepik.com By the end of the year, almost half of the country's population preferred paying for purchases through the fast payment system. By the beginning of 2025, the number of trade and service organizations using the fast payment system to receive payments has reached 2.2 million. In 2024, there was also an increase in cashbacks paid in this way, funds from insurance companies, brokers and other legal ...
Изменен: 01.02.2025
Russia launches production of a new Chinese SUV
On January 21, 2025, the assembly of an all-terrain vehicle of the BAIC BJ60 brand started at the Avtotor enterprise in Kaliningrad. This is the second model of the brand from China, which is manufactured at the factory. January 21st. /MEDIA TALK/.On January 21, 2025,...
Изменен: 21.01.2025
Almost half of Russians received a bonus at work in January.
According to a survey conducted by the SuperJob platform between January 14 and 21, 2025, 41% of Russian citizens received bonuses by the end of 2024. This is higher than in 2023, when the survey showed a result of 37%. january 24th. /MEDIA TALK/. According to a survey conducted by the SuperJob platform between January 14 and 21, 2025,...
Изменен: 24.01.2025
Nio, XPeng and Li Auto increased sales of electric vehicles in February
In February 2025, three Chinese manufacturers of electric vehicles showed a multiple increase in sales. March, 3rd. /MEDIA TALK/. In February 2025, three Chinese manufacturers of electric vehicles showed a multiple increase in sales. XPeng has become the growth ...
Изменен: 03.03.2025
Business opposed the ban on foreign messengers
... management of official channels on social networks. Industry representatives recommended reviewing the restrictions, focusing them exclusively on outgoing calls and notifications from organizations. At a meeting of industry representatives in February 2025, the head of the Ministry of Finance, Maxim Shadaev, allowed the possibility of correcting the wording of the law before the second reading in the State Duma. Starting from September 1, 2025, the possibility of making calls over the Internet ...
Изменен: 06.03.2025
For the first time since August 2024, a dollar officially costs less than 86 rubles.
On February 27, 2025, the Central Bank set the official exchange rate of the US currency at 85.93 rubles. February 26th. /MEDIA TALK/. On February 27, 2025, the Central Bank set the official exchange rate of the US currency at 85.93 rubles. The value of the euro ...
Изменен: 26.02.2025
India has become the fourth country in the world to carry out automatic docking in space.
On January 16, 2025, India successfully carried out an unmanned docking of space modules for the first time. Previously, only Russia, the United States and China had succeeded. January 16. /MEDIA TALK/. On January 16, 2025, India successfully carried out an unmanned ...
Изменен: 16.01.2025
The Moscow Exchange index rose amid the announcement of data on a slowdown in inflation in December
On January 16, 2025, the Moscow Stock Exchange Index (IMOEX) increased by 2.3 percent at the beginning of the trading session, reaching the level of 2908.74 units. January 16. /MEDIA TALK/. On January 16, 2025, the Moscow Stock Exchange Index (IMOEX) increased by 2....
Изменен: 16.01.2025
The music and art departments have been combined at the Pushkin City School of Arts
... listened to the requests and suggestions of the school's teachers. They concerned, among other things, landscaping and social support. Photo: The Press service of the Administration of the city of Pushkin An initiative budgeting program for 2025 is being developed in the Pushkinsky Urban District. Within its framework, it is planned to purchase easels and furniture for the Red Army Children's Art School. If the project is supported by the residents and gets the most points in the voting,...
Изменен: 30.11.2024
The overhaul of polyclinic No. 2 in the village of Lyambir will be completed early next year
... equipment has been purchased for the renovated polyclinic, and new furniture will appear in the offices. According to the head of the district, major repairs are planned to be completed by the end of this year. The clinic is scheduled to open in February 2025. After the repair, the medical institution of the Lyambirsky district will be able to receive more than 11 thousand patients per year. Earlier, we told you that the surgical building of the Kovylkinsky district Hospital in Mordovia will be repaired ...
Изменен: 10.09.2024